Your Questions Answered

The questions below are those most frequently asked by new parents. We hope the answers will be helpful to you but please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any other queries.

It is important that your child is comfortable. In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is best to send your child dressed in clothes that are easily washed and not too precious! Sweatshirts and t-shirts with the Playgroup logo of ‘Poddle Bear’ are available to buy locally, but are completely optional. Please remember to write your child’s name on their clothing, especially if they have a Playgroup top.

We understand that each child is unique and know children tend to learn better when they are happy; a child who is tense or unhappy will not be able to play or learn properly. It is important for parents and supervisors to work together to help the child feel confident and secure within the group. We do take care to gather lots of information when your child joins us, for example asking about close friends and family members, favourite toys and activities, which gives us the opportunity to talk about familiar things and hopefully make your child feel comfortable. Settling in can take longer for some children than for others and you should not feel worried if your child takes a while. Our playworkers are always available to talk to if you have any concerns.

It would help us if children were discouraged from bringing their own toys to Playgroup, unless your child needs a special teddy or comforter to help in the settling in process. When a child brings their own toy to Playgroup it may upset another child if they are not allowed to play with it or your child may not want anyone else to touch it.

If you would like to increase your child’s sessions and pay fees, you can do so at any time (subject to a space being available). For funded sessions, you can change your child’s sessions at the start of each funding period. Please ask if you need more information. If you need to reduce your child’s sessions, please let us know a half term in advance. Failure to do so may incur charges for sessions your child no longer attends.

Our early years educators are always available and ready to listen to any problem you may have concerning your child. Your child’s key person will be your main contact and build an on-going relationship with you both. We especially appreciate any information that might affect your child’s well-being or behaviour in Playgroup. If you have any concerns day to day, please ask to speak to your child’s key person at drop off or pick up. If you are unable to for any reason, please send a message to the Playgroup mobile (07749 897 441), asking for a call and your child’s key person will ring you during Playgroup opening hours.

We use the Early Years Foundation Stage framework as a base for planning and observation within the setting. We have a key person system and you will be notified who your child’s key person is when they start Playgroup. Your child will also have a Tapestry Learning Journey during their time at Playgroup. This is a secure electronic system that allows Playgroup to show your child’s development in each of the Early Years areas of learning. It is also a great way to keep you up to date with what your child has been doing at Playgroup!

We have good links with Hutton Cranswick Community Primary School. We make the most of opportunities to visit each other’s settings, for example watching each other’s Nativity plays. In the summer term, the school staff visit the children who will be moving up to school and the children have introductory visits to the school, one of which is accompanied by the Playgroup team. We have transition meetings with the school staff to discuss key information. All of this helps to ensure starting school is a natural progression. If your child is going to attend a different school, the Playgroup team will work with that school in a very similar way, to ensure that your child’s progression is as smooth as possible.

If you have any concerns or issues day to day, please speak to your child’s key person in the first instance and they will do all they can to find a solution. We have a complaints procedure, available to all parents, which gives full details of the process if you wish to complain about any aspect of Hutton Cranswick Playgroup. We would hope to resolve the matter immediately.
However, if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your concern or wish to go directly to Ofsted, please write to: Early Years, Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD
Or call: 0300 123 1231